The WHO (1946) describes health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. With an emphasis on improved lifestyle. Physical fitness is just a factor within this, but others include:
Mental and emotional fitness - concerned with state of mind
Nutritional fitness - the adequate supply of a balance of nutrients to sustain physical activity and daily functions, through healthy eating patterns
Social fitness - refers to the development of relationships and interacting with other people
Spiritual fitness - the basis of our belief systems, have their roots in our family, culture, social and religious backgrounds, will affect how we manage ourselves, others and society
Medical fitness - being free from illness and able to make healthy lifestyle choices.
It all looks very complicated, but we should all be striving for a balance in our lives that improves our quality of life, our state of mind and promotes a positive approach, even when faced with challenges. We all face a variety of challenges and stressors, but striving for fitness in its many forms will result in an improved lifestyle.