
Eating for Energy

Just as cars need fuel to run, we need energy to carry out our daily lives. Eating for energy is about chosing the right foods, eating them at the right time and how often we eat them. Commonly, when someone hears the work diet, they have a negative response. This is because it is associated with eating less, rather than eating food that gives you the right amount of energy, whilst reducing the amount of fat that is stored in our body. The more calories we remove from our diet, the more energy is lost.

Carbohydrates are the biggest source of energy our body can get as it is what the brain feeds off. However some carbohydrates, such as sugary foods, give you an instant burst of energy, meaning you have a sudden energy crash later that day. Carbohydrates such as fruit and vegetables will give you a constant level of energy throughout the day as will healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil and fish. Eating proteins for breakfast such as meat, eggs and nuts is also very good for you as it sets you up for the rest of your day, as well as drinking plenty of water to keep your mind and skin hydrated.

Eating breakfast is vital as it helps you make nutritional choices through the day. If you don't eat breakfast, your body starts to play catch up and you will tend to eat more in the evening, causing you to gain weight. Planning ahead can be helpful. If you know you have got a busy working day, make sure you've got a supply of snacks available to you close hand. The more often you eat, the less your body will store as it knows it will be getting fed again soon.